Sunday, May 10, 2020

Understanding the old, appreciating the new

In my new book True Worshipers, I discuss, among many other things, the rules for worship under the Old Covenant and the relational worship under the New Covenant. Maybe you think that sounds way too technical to be interesting...

Well, I wouldn't blame you. However, I can assure you that reading True Worshipers will take you on a wonderful journey through the Bible I have used an illustration in chapter 2 that might help us to see why understanding the old makes us appreciate and value the new.

"Today, when we put our dirty laundry in the washing machine, we don’t think much of it. We push a button and walk away, the work is being done for us. I remember how my grandmother washed by hand.

She would boil water in a huge grey kettle and stir the laundry with a large wooden spoon of some sort. No wonder our grandmothers had muscled arms! Doing laundry was tough labor and in those times the women often set apart a whole day every week for this work.

When I think back of such times, I feel very privileged that I do not have to spend a whole precious day each week sweating over a steaming tub full of laundry. Remembering those days, however romantic and idyllic they may seem, I am sincerely thankful for modern technical equipment."

When we begin to understand how much was expected from the ancient Israelites (in terms of sacrifices) in order to present themselves before God and live in a right and healthy relationship with Him, we will become all the more thankful for the grace and love God has poured out on us when He gave His Son as a sacrifice in our place.


  1. I think this is a marvelous comparison, Marja, and I'm so looking forward to getting your book when it's available in paperback. Please let us know!

    1. Thanks Martha, I'll email you!

    2. I remember those days of the convetional washing machine. My mother had one until I was in high school. My dad's stepmother had one that was square and aluminum colored. And, yes, even over here, one day a week was set aside for washing clothes. I await receiving your book.

    3. One day a week indeed Cecelia. Well, a lot of things are easier now or at least more convenient. I mailed your books last Friday, so let's hope and pray the mail will go fast!


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