Thursday, September 20, 2007

Land of Entertainment

God wants to teach us!
We live in a country and age where people do not like to be taught, they want to be entertained. Christians should be, but are no exception to the rule. I hear many people ask God to show them direction and purpose in their lives. The fact of the matter is that these things can be found in the Bible, we don't have to ask, we must seek! I believe the Bible holds the answers to ALL of life's questions. Now, you might ask, why does God need so many words to tell us how to live? Well, if He would have simply said 'be good', how would we know what being good meant? It would be the same as telling a teenager to be careful. Be careful with what or whom or where? We are supposed to explain what the dangers are. Likewise, God shows us through different stories, prophecies, parables and teachings in the Bible what dangers we may encouter when we do not live according to His guidelines. Isaiah 48:17 says:
I am the Lord your God, the One who wants to teach you for your own good and direct you in the way you should go.
I really feel the need to press this upon your hearts today. We need to turn back to the Bible if we really have a desire to know how to live a good life and skip the nonsense that the world proclaims and that fills our newspapers, magazines and televison programs every day.

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