Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Great Faith

Size doesn't matter
Ever looked up at someone because of their unshakeable faith? Ever asked God for greater faith? I like what Jesus said about it in Matthew 17:20 (TEV),
I assure you that if you have faith as big as a mustard seed, you can say to this hill "Go from here to there!" and it will go. You could do anything!
Notice that this translation says faith as BIG as a mustard seed. Jesus' perception of size is different than ours! He basically tells the disciples, and us today, what mustard seed faith is: something very small you can use in order to do something very big! Go ahead, use what He has given you!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Marja, how wonderful that you and someone on ShoutLife posted such a similar statement about faith! When that happens you KNOW you are on the right track! Of course you know that, anyway, but others can see it, too, now! Having Faith is, as I said there, too, the "glue" that holds us (me, at least, as I am SURE of that!) together. Gets me out of bed each and every day, gets me through the day, and especially through the night. Years back there was a song, "Help me make it through the night." That person needed God in their life, as faith in God will get us all through 'all of it.' He has certainly gotten me through the 'dark' days from May 13, 2004 when my 'baby girl' (31 years old, but my "baby") was shot & killed, & when two months later my husband was badly injured in a wreck & told he may never walk again (God not only has him fully recovered, & walking, but employed again, for one year last month!), & then one year later my oldest daughter died of a complication of breast cancer, & thru our move 1225 miles away from all our friends and one daughter I still have, & my son moving to Hawaii (we now live in the state of WA & last living daughter lives in CA) without jobs & now we own our home & I am having faith that my writings will help others realize they, too, can make it through-with faith in God, all things can be done!
    Sandra (Lifecoach)


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