Monday, November 28, 2011

How majestic...

This past Thanksgiving weekend we went on a camping trip. We stayed at Jalama Beach in Southern California. The weather was a pleasant 80F (yes!), perfect for long walks on the beach.

We really took time to talk with the Lord and each other about pressing matters concerning our work and ministry. We enjoyed camp fires and cup-o-noodles, I read 3 books, believe it or not, and have set some short term goals for my writing. All in all an inspiring weekend, my motivation is back!

Jalama Beach is in a pretty deserted area along the coast, so at night the stars are just spectacular! The sunsets were absolutely beautiful too. We were in awe, as the psalmist was:

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?
[Psalm 8:3-4]

May I ask, what do you do to get inspired and motivated again?


  1. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Happy for you both...
    Looks! & sounds amazing.

  2. It was a great weekend Becky, I feel much better now!

  3. That sounds a wonderful place! There is nothing like being near the ocean for setting you thoughts on fire.

  4. Yes Wyn, you know that all too well :)


Thanks for your visit, it is my hope and prayer that this post was an encouragement to you! Feel free to leave a comment.