Monday, November 14, 2011

Keeping it simple

Everytime I face a difficult or tough situation, it seems I need more words to beg and plead my case with the Almighty. I find myself reasoning, debating and desperately trying to find an explanation or answer. Well, maybe that is just me...

But isn't it true that we sometimes feel we have to explain things to God? Our prayers get longer and more complicated, sometimes to the point where we don't remember what our initial question was! My former pastor and mentor in the faith always said 'keep it simple', and again and again that proves to be the right thing to do. The inspiration to develop an attitude like that comes straight from the Bible. 

As always, Jesus is my ultimate example in this. The other day I was reading in Luke 5:12-16 how He met with a guy who was covered with leprosy. Well, if you've ever been in India, you'll know what leprosy looks like and personally I have never seen anyone being healed from that disease. Now, this certain man asks Jesus to make him clean. If that isn't a tough situation, what is? However, Jesus keeps it simple and uses three words to explain divine healing: I am willing. 

Ouch, I wish I had come up with a theology like that! His answer is awesome! The actual prayer that follows His statement is even shorter, more simple... be clean! No discussion, no pleading, no crying, no begging. Just authority! 

We can learn so much from such a short story. It might really help to remember this encounter the next time you face something that seems impossible to overcome or conquer, it will help you to pray and speak in faith. I definitely want to try it, what about you?


  1. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Hi Marja - great post and great encouragement. I think its us humans that feel the need to complicate things and then we freak ourselves out. "Keep it simple" Love that
    God bless

  2. Thanks Tracy, I am sure the simplicity Jesus used was there to keep us balanced :)

  3. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Simplicity , few words... or a hem of His garmen mentality ..these are all great. Is sort of a testiment of our trust and belief in that He'll meet out need if we take it to Him.!

    I also find times when I'm needing a full blown conversation in my prayer time. Times of overload, hitting bottom on a matter.
    I know that He knows what I'm gonna say before it comes out of my mouth ..( He even knows before I do the words I'm looking for.)
    I get it out , He hears .. I hear that voice coming back through to me, just a word or two or a song or scripture come to me ( God encouraaging me is how I take that!)And it keeps me,comforts me.!
    Just saying .... sorry so lenghthy.

    Great Post! thx :)

  4. Hi Sister! What a wonderful post and a challenge in my faith walk! "No discussion, no pleading, no crying, no betting. Just authority!" I will be meditating on this in prayer. God has used you to strengthen my faith today!
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Anonymous6:54 AM


  6. 'a hem of His garment mentality '... I like that Becky. Of course, we can talk all we want with God, but sometimes one word in faith is better than 100 in doubt.
    Thanks for your thoughts, precious!

  7. I am glad to hear that Cherie, encourage one another daily, isn't that what we bloggers do?

  8. Anonymous8:47 AM

    1 word in faith is better than 100 in doubt ... very true .. whole heartedly agree with that!

    When I sit down and talk over a matter in conversational prayer, it's not so much a "doubt" thing ... more a Father / child thing ... He gets me.

    much respect
    love you
    and thx :)

  9. So funny that we feel we have to outline the issue to the Lord! He knows the situation far better than we do. Trusting Him with the answer is often our hang-up. Especially if it doesn't line up with our thinking. I'm glad He keeps it simple! Thanks for this post, Marja!

  10. Zo is het maar net. Simpel houden. Ik de kerk heb je soms van die gebeden die maar doorgaan en je het gevoel geven dat de eeuwigheid reeds is aangebroken. Of preken die maar doorgaan en het hoogtepunt volledig overschreden hebben. Maar ook tijdens bidstonden heb je mensen die hele monologen afsteken en al het (noem het) gebedsgras voor je voeten wegmaaien. Klinkt vroom maar werkt bij mij altijd op mijn slaapspieren. Sorry God...


Thanks for your visit, it is my hope and prayer that this post was an encouragement to you! Feel free to leave a comment.