Monday, September 06, 2010

About trees and people

Prophetic vision
During His life on earth Jesus healed many people from all kinds of diseases and oppression. The book of Acts (10:38) recalls,
He went everywhere, doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, for God was with Him.
Quite of few of these healings were written down by eyewitnesses and some of their accounts are actually quite funny when you read them at first. This one for example:

One day the people bring a blind man to Jesus and ask Him to touch the man and heal him. Jesus takes the man by the hand, leads him to the outskirts of the village and spits him in the eyes. "Can you see anything?" Jesus asks curiously. The man's answer is quite comical: "Yes, I can see people, but they look like trees walking around." Jesus touches him again and he saw everything clearly from that moment on. I love this story. It teaches me that it is okay to tell God your prayer wasn't fully answered, that it's okay to ask for healing one more time and that divine healing doesn't always come by a medically approved method, haha!

The thing I like most about this story however, is the fact that the man's spiritual eyes were opened before his natural sight returned. He saw people that looked like trees and I believe that the Lord gave him prophetic vision. In the Bible people are often compared with trees, so what the man saw was not crazy, it was spiritual insight. Let me back that up with a few scriptures:

Blessed is the man...He is like a tree planted by streams of water (Psalm 1:3)
But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of the Lord (Psalm 52:8)
The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon (Psalm 92:12)
No good tree bears bad fruit... the good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart... (Luke 6:43-45)

Trees and men, at first sight we don't have much in common, but the Bible says we do. A few things come to mind:
  1. Life consists of seasons, the dark period will end!
  2. I must stay near the living water!
  3. I need to shed some leaves to make room for something new!
  4. I will bear fruit!


  1. Tress and men, good comparison, and good food for thought!
    Karen :)

  2. Lovely post, Marja.
    I had never thought of those things.

  3. I love to poke your brilliant brain Wyn :)

  4. Wow! Great insight, Marja! Never drew the parallel between men and trees from this story before. Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed weekend!

  5. Thanks Maria, enjoy your weekend too!


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