Thursday, March 12, 2009

Live purposely

About thought provoking scriptures and such...
The living word can be surprisingly extreme! The other day I was reading the following words in the book of Colossians 3:17, Everything you do or say, then, should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Everything we do or say? That's nearly impossible; who lives like that? Yet, the extremer the scripture, the more it makes me think.
Last week I attended a Teen Challenge graduation and the theme of the evening was: living life with a purpose. I love that theme, because it holds a solemn warning against a life on automatic pilot; it calls for challenges and adventure! It also made me think about the words in Colossians. My purpose should be, to do and say everything in His name, or according to His will. I admit that I am not always consciously doing that, although I surely surrendered my whole life to Him and His will. So, the question to myself is: do I sometimes do the things I do in the name of something else? For instance, power, money, greed, frustration, pride or simply for the sake of pouting?
I encourage you to take such a reality check from time to time. It's refreshing, I promise!


  1. Thank you for that wake-up call Marja.
    God has been putting His spotlight on some of my saying and doings and THINKINGS (which is worse).
    This reinforces the things He is teaching me. Thank you, my friend,

  2. You're welcome Wyn, I guess we all deal with this on a daily basis. proverbs 4:23 in the Good News (TEV) version says: "Be careful how you THINK, your life is shaped by your thoughts"

  3. I need to check on myself several times a day! Oh that my constant attitude would be that I am a slave to righteousness :-)
    Thanks Marja ~ good stuff!


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