Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Choose Life!

Crucial time in American history
"I would like to call for a little time-out this week"
Although I am not an American citizen and not registered to vote, I think election time is a great moment to think about the decisions we make, not just every 4 years or so, but on a daily basis. In everything we do or say we actually stand up for what we believe in. Whether it is God, coffee or a book we're reading. I come from a culture where we voice our opinions all the time, about everything. Yeah, even when no one asked! We are not afraid to discuss and debate hot topics as religion and politics. We can get passionate about the arts, history or simply the climate.
As human beings we pick, choose and vote all the time and it is good to ponder the options. That is why I would like to call for a little time out this week. Turn off the television and leave your newspaper on the doorstep. Go to the beach, the park or any place outdoors, and go for a walk. Clear your head and breathe in the fresh air and simply ask God what His will is. Make sure to listen ... He'll help you make the right decisions!
By the way, the current crucial time here in America reminds me of something Moses told the people of Israel. You can read his moving speech in the Book of Deuteronomy. In chapter 30:19 he sums it up with the following words: I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pro-life news leader advertises Breath of Life
With the elections coming up next week, the pro-life debate is top news, every day! It seems everyone has voiced their opinion about the rights of the unseen life in the womb; individuals, churches, politicians, organisations etc. In Breath of Life you are given the unique opportunity to hear the story from an unexpected source: the unborn child. Shouldn't we listen, just for once?
Please check out if you like, they give the latest political news about the debate. is also running a week long ad for Breath of Life in their daily e-mail newsletter that goes out nationwide to thousands of readers.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Be Creative!

Make something for your Maker
Breath of Life is not just your every day story about God's creating power! It is a cry for life, it is spiritual poetry, it is a celebration of God's love for mankind. The voice of the unborn hero in my story is fighting for your attention, listen:
"As a human, I finally get a chance to actually see and touch the things He has made. It is this experience that urges humans to express their admiration for the great Creator in words, music, pictures, and dance. Well, that is how I see it. That's what I mean by adding substance to our praise. I will finally have a chance to make something for my Maker."
When was the last time you made something for your Maker? Use your hands (and feet) and let it be a song, a poem, a picture, a photo, or a dance. Dedicate it to Him and share it with someone!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Financial Security

Choose your investments wisely!
The media is crying crisis and financial disaster, day after day. Tiring really, if you ask me. I cannot help but think: if the world suffers, the Kingdom is thriving! Jesus warned us for wrong investments a long time ago. Matthew 6:19 says, Do not store up riches for yourselves here on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and robbers break in and steal. Instead, store up riches for yourselves in heaven... How simple can it get? If we have listened and invested our money and time in faith-based programs and charities, we have no reason to worry. This time should be our greatest victory! God promises us an abundance off all kinds of good things in return for 10% of our income in Malachi 3:10 and I don't care if that is Old Testament, because He is the same yesterday, today and forever! The Bible is full of financial advice! By the way, Jesus went on to say, So do not start worrying: where will my food come from or my drink or my clothes? (These things are the things the pagans are always concerned about). Your Father in Heaven knows that you need all these things!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Center for Bio-Ethical Reform endorses book

Breath of Life endorsed by pro-life group
In the last few weeks I have been contacting various pro-life organisations within the USA with the request to either advertise or endorse my newest book. The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform in California was the first one to react and they have placed a link on their website. Please, check out their website at Breath of Life is added at their 'Recent additions'.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Breath of Life Audio Book

3rd book in series now also available on CD and as MP3
The official release date for my newest book, Breath of Life, is set on december 2nd 2008. Orders can be placed by clicking on the link on the right side of this page. Tate Publishing made the book also available on CD as well as digital download for your i-pod. You will have to go to their on-line bookstore for details. Please click on the following link if you want to place an order:
I can only hope and pray you will be blessed and inspired by this story which holds a very strong pro-life message!