Are we able to define our destination?
We know our way around this world. Yes, we know all about time management and multi tasking. We have become masters in planning and scheduling. Who doesn't have a full calender page each week on the refrigerator door or a overflowing digital agenda in the laptop or a weekly schedule at the office? Wherever we go, our hours seem to be planned by others: opening and closing hours in the stores, office hours at the bank and the post office, class schedules at the gym, appointment openings at the doctor's office, etc. Our days are filled from morning to evening. We have arrived, haven't we?
I know I speak for many when I make the statement that somehow the big question still remains: If we are all so busy moving, what are we headed toward? Where are we going? Are we able to define our destination? Why the rush? When are we supposed to be there? If we are so capable of running our own lives, how come we end up tired, stressed out, overwhelmed, and sometimes even depressed? How come we hardly ever get the feeling that we are where we want to be?
God knows everything about our busy lives, our hectic schedules and our longing for some rest and peace. He knew. He knew all along. That is why He wants to talk to us about time, about the days that make up a week, about the weeks that make up our lives.