Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Elections and the importance of taking a stand

With mid-term elections coming up in the USA and general elections in many other countries, I was reflecting on the importance of taking a stand for Biblical values and principles, if you are a Christian... or if you find yourself in agreement with Biblical values and morals.

In the Netherlands, we have 30+ political parties to choose from on which to cast your vote. Not an easy choice and much different from the system in the USA. 

Not everyone uses the right the vote, but the ones that do often vote as has been their custom for years. I know many people simply vote for the party their parents and grandparents used to vote for. Kind of out of tradition.

👉But the world has changed.

Maybe the party you always vote for no longer stands up for the values and principles it used to fight for, such as traditional family and marriage values, pro-life and pro-Israel issues, and let's not forget work and social ethics.

If there was ever a time to re-evaluate our voting behavior and choices, it is now! When we vote, we speak up. We unite in one voice, not ashamed of the very things we want to see (re)established in our countries.

I am wondering... have you changed your voting pattern lately?


  1. Marja: Yes, I have changed my voting pattern. I try to pay attention to what the candidates stand for. A lot of my friends and I want to hear about the issues and not hear about the mudslinging done to their opponents. I want to hear that the candidates, when elected, will work for those of us who gave them the opportunity to work for us.

    1. Thanks for your comment Cecelia. I agree, once elected they have to make up for their promises.

  2. I don't trust any of them anymore.


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