Saturday, November 06, 2021

The presence of God (3)

I ended my previous blog with the sentence: 'God's glorious presence zoomed in from a universe level, from the heavens to our inmost being.'

It is a great miracle that God came to dwell among men two thousand years ago. Perhaps, it is an even greater miracle that He now wants to dwell in all people with His Spirit. 👉He is always near and we no longer have to travel to a certain place to meet Him.

That was exactly what Jesus promised when He was about to return to His Heavenly Father: And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20). Always, everywhere. A comforting promise, no matter how we feel or wherever we are.

God with us and in us, on an individual basis so to speak. The Bible makes it clear, however, that the presence of God is also something we can (and should) experience when we are together in groups. During a prayer meeting, a Bible study, or a church service, for example.

This does not necessarily require a stadium full of people. Jesus said: For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20).

If there is ever one good reason to keep meeting together, it certainly is this one!


  1. Yes, it was a miracle indeed. I always believe it was a miracle that he chose to save a sinner like me.

    1. We take it for granted sometimes, but it is the biggest miracle of all!

  2. I've always been overwhelmed by the idea that God loves us so much, He chooses to dwell within us by His Spirit. May we always be aware of His presence and seek to obey Him in all things.
    Blessings, Marja!

    1. Thanks Martha Jane, may we always be aware of His presence indeed, and follow a hype.


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