Friday, June 11, 2021

Do we keep on blogging in 2021?

Google announced that the Feedburner service will stop as of July 1st. That is the service that takes care of sending your blog posts to people's email addresses (well, to the ones that have signed up for it.)

When I read that, I thought 'what now?' πŸ˜•Is this the moment to stop blogging? Getting my blog posts to readers by email is a quite reliable way to stay connected, especially now that readers are leaving Facebook, Twitter, and other social media because of censorship.

I wanted to know whether writing blogs was still worth the effort, so I began to search the internet for news and statistics on blogging and found some interesting facts. For example, marketing consultant and speaker Neal Schaffer writes on his website:

"Blogging is absolutely still relevant in 2021. In fact, roughly 409 million internet users read about 20 billion blog pages monthly. People undeniably still read blogs. As a matter of fact, 77% of internet users worldwide like reading them. People in the United States alone read blogs 3 times more than emails. Blogging is not dead, blogs are powerful and it is the 5th most reliable source of information on the internet. Blogging will always be worth it especially if you find a niche you are passionate about."

So, I decided to keep on blogging πŸ’šand I hope you will do the same (if you are a blogger)! I have added a new feed service to my blogs. So, please sign up for your favorite blog in the sidebar (on a laptop or desktop). I post about once a week:

Fresh Insights on Ancient Blogs: 
Frisse Kijk op Oude Waarheden: 
Non-profit Traveling Light: 
Stichting Traveling Light: 


  1. I did sign up, Marja, and noted that you are using the Follow.It method. I've saved an email from that company and will try to do the same this month. Was it difficult to do? Just wondering!

    1. Thank you Martha for signing up. Yes, I decided to use because it was easy to install. Go to: and fill in your blog address, then you will get a html code. Go to your blog layout section and add a gadget called html/java script. You copy and paste the code, and that should do it.

    2. Thanks so much! That does sound easy

  2. HI Marja, Thank you for sharing. I didn`t know any of those updates, maybe I haven`t signed up for the service you mentioned and so didn`t receive the notice. Yes, will keep on blogging as well !

    I also like the blog even though seems a little `old-fashioned`, glad to hear that people still read blogs!, thankful to be able to share with blogfriends/sisters like you and all those who assemble on blogs! May the LORD guide and guard and protect our blogs and may He be glorified!!

    1. ps above am referring to `blogs in general` when saying that blogs seem a little `old fashioned` (when read it back just now just wanted to make sure that clear, not referring to your blog but to "blogs" as a social media in general!!!!)

    2. Haha, I understand what you are saying. Many of my USA blogging friends stopped blogging over the past year or so, for different reasons. But I believe we can still have a voice and it should be heard! About signing up, most people see the link to the blogs I write on social media, but there is a group who signed up for email notifications so as not to miss anything. That email service stops, and that is why I am using now. Oh well, it is all complicated, but it might be an idea for your blog as well.

  3. You have a point. Most platforms are for scrolling and just looking at pictures and videos. A blog is different. I try to keep my blogs short and to the point and hope people take time to read it. Some topics are more interesting than others. You don't have a b,log about crochet? Just the Insta page?

  4. Ik weet niet of het inschrijven lukt. Ik schreef me in via jouw gadget en dit is het antwoord: "You're now following feed Sacredsabbath" Is dat OK?

    1. Dat zou goed moeten zijn, je krijgt dan mijn engelstalig blog in je mailbox.


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