Thursday, August 02, 2012

Are you financially secure?

It's funny! I stumbled upon an old post, written back in 2008, about the financial crisis and I found it hard to believe that the headlines are still talking about the exact same thing today. We haven't come very far since 2008...

The media is crying crisis and financial disaster, day after day. Tiring really, if you ask me. I cannot help but think that if the world suffers, the Kingdom is thriving! Jesus warned us for unwisely investments a long, long time ago. He said: Do not store up riches for yourselves here on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and robbers break in and steal. Instead, store up riches for yourselves in heaven... (Matthew 6:19). How simple can it get? If we would have listened to Him and invested our money and time in faith-based programs and charities, we have no reason to worry. This time should be our greatest victory!

God promises us an abundance off all kinds of good things in return for 10% of our income in Malachi 3:10 and I don't care if that is Old Testament, because He is the same yesterday, today and forever! The Bible is full of financial advice, but do we want to see it? Of course life is more than money. Jesus went on to say, So do not start worrying: where will my food come from or my drink or my clothes? (These things are the things the pagans are always concerned about). Your Father in Heaven knows that you need all these things! Now, THAT is a very encouraging thought that I will take with me this week.

By the way: Have you changed the way you spend or invest your money since the so-called financial crisis broke out?


  1. Als de wereld lijdt komt God's Koninkrijk op en bloeit.
    Ik vind dat enorm bemoedigende woorden.
    Geven(misschien wel meer dan 10%)zodat we God de eer kunnen geven wanneer Hij zal voorzien!

    1. Ja, zo zie ik het ook Dieneke, hoe meer we geven, hoe meer God wordt verhoogd!

  2. Yes, it doesn't seem to get any better. We went out of town yesterday morning. Gasoline was $3.05 a gallon(unleaded). When we got to where we were going, the gasoline was advertised at $3.95(same grade.) On the late evening news, our home town was mentioned as the town having the lowest price gas. When we got home late this morning, the signs here caugth up with the rest of the state. Ninety cents a gallon rise in one fell swoop. each day its been either high or low, like a see-saw.

    1. Well, look at the bright side Cecelia, in Holland gas prices are $7.80 a gallon :)

  3. Great truths, Marja! God's economy can always be depended on!

    1. Yes Lynn, if I couldn't depend on Gods economy, I would go crazy by worrying!

  4. I am thankful God's economy does not fluctuate with the world's economy. He ever supplies our needs, and though things may ebb and flow, He is faithful to His word.

  5. Over the years, I've tried to operate my finances on the principles found in God's Word. It's kept me from disaster more than once.

    1. I can say 'amen' to that Susan, we started to operate our finances according to His word about 10 years ago, and He has blessed us and kept us from disaster.


Thanks for your visit, it is my hope and prayer that this post was an encouragement to you! Feel free to leave a comment.