Friday, April 20, 2012

Has waiting paralyzed you?

I don't know your situation, but maybe you are waiting to start your own business or ministry or plan... maybe yo are waiting for the right moment, the right people, the right money to come your way. A healthy and biblical measure of waiting and planning is good for any dream to succeed, but sometimes we wait so long that we end up doing nothing at all... Has waiting paralyzed you?


  1. yes. After losing my job in June, followed by multiple rejections and one BIG one...but I do have a new door opened. Yet I am dragging me feet. Hmmm.

  2. Dragging is better than dozing :) You'll get there!

  3. Hi, Marja:

    Over-analysis causes me to delay moving forward, at times. As the saying goes, "over-analysis causes paralysis."

    Sometimes we need to keep moving and just do it afraid. :-)

    Blessings to you and yours.

  4. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Hi Marja - ouch, are you reading my mind? Thanks for the reminder
    God bless

  5. It's hard to find that perfect balance between waiting for the right opportunity and watching life pass you by. I'm learning to reach out and trust God to make a course correction if I'm missing it.

    A recent attempt resulted in disappointment, but I'm chalking it up to a learning experience in what not to do.

  6. Not paralyzed; just in limbo! :( Blessings, dear one!


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