Friday, April 22, 2011

Sobbing through the introduction...

We bloggers just LOVE give-aways, it is such a great way of blessing one another! A while back I won a book through a give-away at Susan Panzica's blog. I was delighted and really believe my good luck has changed for the better, haha, I have never won anything before in my life! She mailed me a copy of The Hole in Our Gospel written by Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision US.

It was on my to-read pile for quite some time and this week I finally opened the first page and began to read. I cried throughout the introduction and all the way through the first chapter... really! Sobbing at a mere foreword is a new experience for me and for one thing, Stearns had my attention! Wow, I hope to be able to write in such a way one day. Stearns touches a very sensitive subject: the role of the 21st century church in the affairs of the world. You can find hundreds of reviews on Amazon, so I'll skip that, but I just wanted to highlight one of the questions he asks in this book, which is really all about building and advancing the Kingdom of God here on earth.
"The Lord's prayer, repeated in churches the world over, contains the phrase 'Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven'. Do we believe what we pray?"

After Jesus' resurrection he went around for 40 days, talking about the Kingdom. His message was huge, it was world changing, it was utterly important, so important that it came out of His mouth until the day He went back to the Father! What are we doing? Are we inviting people into His Kingdom? Are we advancing His Kingdom everywhere we go?


  1. I find myself repeating the Lord's prayer several times in a day. I try to hear His voice saying those words.
    It struck me anew when you mentioned Jesus being on earth for 40days after the resurection. It was longer than I realised. What a glorious experience for those who spoke to Him or saw Him then. Yes, Thy will be done!

  2. Oh, that I would *advertise* His kingdom the way He desires! I need to read this book. Thanks, Marja!

    (PS I don't get here as much as I would like. I so wish you had an email subscription!)

  3. Thanks Wyn, for your visit, you're precious to me!

    Lynn, I know you've asked me that before... I'll dive into it (I keep forgetting to add that e-mail feed gadget)


Thanks for your visit, it is my hope and prayer that this post was an encouragement to you! Feel free to leave a comment.