Friday, January 29, 2010

Working on a vision?

We all have something we want to accomplish

An author spends months writing a book, and maybe puts his heart's blood into it, and then it lies about unread till the reader has nothing else in the world to do.
W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)

Writing books is part of a bigger vision I have, it is part of the fulfilling of a dream that is slowly developing and growing in my heart. Writing might not be your thing, but I am sure you’ll have something you want to accomplish; a dream, a vision, a project you’re working on. No matter what your assignment is, no matter how big or small the goal you’re aiming for… it will help you to understand a few things. Stick this at a place where you can see it every day!

Regarding the fulfilling of my vision I must understand:
1. That I pay the price for completion
2. That discouragement and disappointment will come, I must be strong
3. That I must live by the principles of God’s Word
4. The power of prayer, my prayer life must be committed
5. That I will need patience


  1. Words of wisdom. Thank you Marja, you are always an encouragement!

  2. I've learned them from someone else, and I believe they're all true :)

  3. I have taken all that to heart Marja, and I have to add one more.
    'I must not be lazy!!!' I have sent poems to publishers a few times and had no response and I never tried again. I am content to write what I write and get it out of my system and that is all.
    I realise that is not the way to deal with a gift I should share beyong Shoutlife and my blog.

  4. That's a good one Wyn!!! I'll take that to heart too! Lazyness and procrastination are always lurking behind the writer's door :)
    Anyway, I am glad you are sharing on the internet and I hope one day your work will be picked up. For now, you are touching readers one at the time, and that is awesome Wyn. Thank you for your faithfulness. I don't think you're lazy at all :)


Thanks for your visit, it is my hope and prayer that this post was an encouragement to you! Feel free to leave a comment.