Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Voice of God

Communication is more than uttering words
Based on the workshops we gave in Germany I have written posts about the will of God and the plan of God for our lives. We noticed that the will of God is not so much something we keep asking for, but rather something we should DO! His will is a general instruction for all believers. His plan, however, can be different for each individual because it depends on our personal situations. When we begin to walk and act in His will, the steps of His plan for our lives will be slowly revealed. The next question would be: how do we hear His voice?

When we think about the voice of God, we often think about an audible voice. The truth is, that most people will never hear God speak audibly to them, exceptions to the rule of course. Because we tend to focus on audible communication, we often miss it. Our idea of communication is often very limited! God speaks to us in many ways, but not necessarily through spoken words. In Hebrews 1:1-3 the Bible says that God has spoken to us through His Son, that is Jesus Christ.

Jesus is called the Living Word, He is God's Word, His voice if you like, because He only spoke what the Father had taught Him. One simple way to hear more from God is to read your Bible out loud, especially the words of Jesus. You will hear God's Word loud and clear, through your own voice. In John 10:3-5 Jesus speaks about the Good Shepherd and how the sheep will recognize his voice. In order to hear the voice of the shepherd, we need to know the shepherd. The more we read about Him, the more we study His words, the closer we get to know Him, the easier it will be to hear His voice, even if he doesn't use words. Right before Jesus goes back to be with the Father He explains to His followers what the Holy Spirit will do: He will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you (John 14:26). All communication takes place through the Holy Spirit who is living in us and who knows all about God!

But let's go back to our limited view of communication. God speaks to us in many ways, first and most of all through his Word and through the Holy Spirit. But that is not all. The Bible clearly shows that we do not only hear His voice, but we can also read it, see it, sense it. Don't limit the way you listen! Here are just a few ways God can speak to us, through:
  • Unctions, the still small voice within, ideas that pop up, strong feelings
  • Servants, prophets, teachers, pastors, all other believers, even people that don't know you, but do know the Word
  • Dreams and visions, which we see nowadays quite often in the Moslim world
  • Miracles, a question or situation we have can be answered through something we see (John 10:25)
  • Angels, less common  nowadays, but certainly scriptural (Old and New Testament)
  • Music, art, we can experience God's presence or love or comfort
  • Nature, God communicates His glory often through nature, creation
The Bible is full of examples of God speaking to His people, we have to learn to listen with more than just our ears. We can hear His voice, but we can also read it, see it, and sense it. Don't limit this! John 6:63 says that Jesus'words are spirit and life. Those are perfect gauges to test if what we experience is really God speaking to us. Spirit: does it reveal God's character? Life: does it build me up, does it bring life? Remember that communication from God never contradicts His written Word!

Personally I find that the most practical way to hear from God is praying in the spirit (in tongues) and asking for a translation. That way God can speak very clearly and directly to us. If you have received that gift you will have to practice using it. 

It might be helpful to think about the following:
  1. How do you communicate with others if you cannot use words?
  2. Write down how God has communicated with you in the past
  3. Use your own words to describe the Holy Spirit's work in your life
  4. Ask God to communicate with you and be quiet for a while, just wait. What do you feel, sense, think or remember?


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Anointed !

    You're A Blessing



  2. Hi Marja -

    Wish I had time to fully comment, but I have to leave for work. :)

    Great post.


  3. Have a good day Susan and an even better weekend!

  4. Marja:
    You give me a lot to think about. That's good.

  5. You're so welcome Quietspirit, this indeed a subject that triggers many thoughts. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Excellent post, Marja. I have never heard God's audible voice, but He speaks in many ways to me, if I'll take the time to listen. That's the big if!

  7. Yes Jeanette, that is the big if :) Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Hi Marja - firstly, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I really appreciate it. And secondly, I'm so glad I bounced back to visit yours. I love what you say here about Jesus being God's voice as in His word and to hear God we should speak His word out aloud. The word says faith comes from hearing and what better way to hear than to read out His word aloud.
    Great post
    God bless

  9. Thank you Tracy for adding that scripture, faith comes by hearing, the hearing of the word of God!
    Isn't the blogging world wonderful? I am equally glad I stumbled upon your blog through one of the Dutch blogs I read and I notice you were writing in Afrikaans... I am glad we are connected now :)

  10. Good post. I appreciate the reminder of how we need to listen with more than just our ears. I also like Point 4, I know I need to take more time to "be still".


  11. Thanks Karen, I talk to so many people all the time who desire to hear God speak. Well, He's speaking all the tine, but we need to fine tune our hearing :)


Thanks for your visit, it is my hope and prayer that this post was an encouragement to you! Feel free to leave a comment.