Saturday, September 07, 2024

Ten Core Values for the Christian life (9)

We are nearing the end of this blog series.

In the introduction I wrote; "It is one thing to say we don't steal, but are we generous? It is one thing to say we don't bear false witness, but do we speak truth when we open our mouths? Going from commandment to core value is, in essence, going from theory to application."

Let's continue with the ninth commandment: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor (Exodus 20:16).

Of course, if all is well we will not lie, cheat, or falsely accuse others. But the real question is: Do we speak truth when we open our mouths?

One of the most famous questions ever asked in the history of mankind, was the one Pilate desperately confronted Jesus with: ‘and what is truth?’ That question still lingers in our courtrooms. As a matter of fact, it lingers in our homes, schools, political arenas, businesses, and even in our churches. What is truth? A very relevant question for today.

As in Pilate's time, we also live in a world that is made up of accusations, lies, and gossip. We are constantly bombarded with stories about people cheating, lying, and accusing others of being the reason for the mess they are in. Such practices even have entertainment value. It seems mankind hasn’t moved up the ladder of integrity very much.

Can we answer Pilate’s question with a certainty that would settle all dispute, all error, and all doubt? It is now more important than ever before, that we live and speak truthfully and discover how to stand up for biblical values and principles in a troubled world that seems to have taken a free fall into lawlessness. 

👉The core value I have attached to the eighth commandment is TRUTH

We will stand up for truth and boldly proclaim the values and principles of the Bible.


For more on this topic, read my book 'SPIRIT OF TRUTH' (Finding certainty and standing firm in a troubled world). This book is available on Amazon in your country.


  1. Truth is found only in God and His righteousness. When we can confidently and boldly stand on His Word, we can't help but speak the truth. Great insight, Marja! Blessings!

  2. Marja: Jesus is the truth. The lessons He taught us point us to what He and His Father want us to learn and to practice. We all have times when we must seek God's direction before we speak to another person. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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