Monday, February 08, 2021

A psalm a day...

In my previous blog I wrote about my #oneword for 2021: connect.

To be honest with you, I find it quite difficult from time to time to stay in close contact with people during these crazy times ... family, friends, readers of my blogs and books. Some people want to connect, others don't;  you have to be careful these days and try to feel and understand where people are in this crisis.

I often pray about it, "Lord, show me what I can do, how I can keep encouraging others and myself." Well, that's how we started our small group at the end of September which is such a precious and joyful time with several ladies.

And that is how last weekend I got the idea to record a series of videos about the psalms. For years there was a sign in our kitchen with the saying: 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'. I once brought that over from America. And suddenly the thought came to me: 'A psalm a day ...' 

Why not encourage people to read a psalm a day and get something personal out of it? A bit like an antidote to all the negative news. So I now post a very short encouragement (2 minutes) about a psalm every day and with it the challenge to read that psalm out loud and see which verse appeals to you.

Since my personal reflections are in English, people from Georgia, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Ukraine, Slovakia, and the USA have already joined me in reading through the psalms.

You can follow the video series on my YouTube channel, my IGTV, Facebook, Twitter, and MeWe. Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel!


  1. I usually catch your videos on MeWe, Marja, and yes, I've been enjoying them!

    1. That is great, thanks Martha Jane, the videos are an addition to the blogs :)

  2. Great challenge, a Psalm a day keeps what ever the enemy uses every day to discourage us. I like that challenge, may take it up after I finish my book.

  3. Beautiful! A psalm a day and gathering in a small group to share the word of God thru psalms!! Blessings in your group and in your days! I will visit your youtube!! PS I came here from Japan thru Aritha`s blog. Nice to meet you.♡


Thanks for your visit, it is my hope and prayer that this post was an encouragement to you! Feel free to leave a comment.