Monday, April 13, 2020

The thief and the Giver

When my brothers and I were little children, my parents purchased a record-player. Well, not exactly like the one in this picture, but it was in the early sixties. On our knees before the speaker, we listened to the same Bible stories over and over.

đŸ‘‰There was always someone in trouble, there was always an enemy, and there was always a way out!

I still love the Bible stories. And in a way, I have kept the childlike faith... With God all things are possible! Over the past several weeks I have been doing a lot of thinking, meditating on the Word, and asking God about the current happenings in our world.

He reminded me of the words of Jesus as recorded in John 10:10. The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness.

I love that verse! It clearly speaks about the trouble, the enemy we have. The Bible calls him a thief, the devil, or satan. But it also clearly speaks about the way out, Jesus Himself. I know there are plenty of theories, ideas, and explanations about what is happening in the world right now. Some are downright nonsense, some are quite interesting. From a biblical point of view, however, I truly believe things are quite simple.

The thief is at work. He steals people's joy and peace, he kills people, and he destroys our societies and economies. We see it happen all around us. No point in blaming God, the Chinese, or the president of your country. The thief is at work on a global scale. Let it be no surprise, Jesus announced it. But Jesus did not stop His speech there, for He is also at work!

We just celebrated Easter. He came to give us life. Not just an ordinary life, but a life in all its fullness. That life is available for anyone who believes in Him and that life does not change because of what the enemy is doing.

I can only speak for myself of course; but I have decided that 2020 will not be the year to be remembered as the year of corona, the year of cancelations, loss, lack, fear, worry, doubt, or whatever. NO! It will be the most creative and productive year I have had so far. I refuse to be a victim of the thief's schemes. I am victorious in Christ. With God's help, I can scale a wall!


  1. Thank you for your message. Your words were like a shot in my arm. I needed to hear them. Peace and blessings.

    1. Glad it was a timely post Cecelia, it came to me in the night and I had to write it :)

  2. The Father is also speaking in this pestilence situation that the time is getting nearer for the return of the King and that the body of Christ needs to rise up so that it is found doing His will when Jesus arrives for at this time He comes as Judge and the destiny of mankind will have been fixed Mathew 24:4 I truly believe this is also a wake up call for the church not to be in fear but to get on with the job jesus left us to do which is to make disciples of all nations Not kiss and run converts not social services but disciples of the King We need to be found doing His will when He comes We are in the very very early part of the labour with small birth pangs there is much more to come so be prepared and as you say lets get creative and inventive so that we can do the job "The fields are white and ready for the harvest"

    1. True, true, so true. His will needs to be DONE. When I see my books go all over the world, I know this is a fulfillment of the great commission to disciple the nations. Normally we travel physically as well, but this month all travels have been put on hold.

  3. Amen, Marja! I, too, refuse to become a victim of the thief. My joy, comfort and salvation is in Christ Jesus!

    1. We must take a stand indeed Martha, to not bow down to the threats of the enemy.

  4. Well said. Every now and then the devil is given permission to work his evil ways in the world; but only within strict parameters. God is still in control. The devil is allowed freedom because this is what God gave all of us from Creation onwards. He gave us the freedom to choose to love and follow Him, or not. The devil, and many of his followers in the world today, chose to rebel.

    God bless.

    1. You said it well Victor, we all have the freedom to choose who we will serve, who we will be influenced by. I choose the Lord!


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