Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The healthy soul (1)

Vacation time here in The Netherlands is just around the corner. For some it will be the perfect time to take a blog break, for others the right time to write or read blogs.

I usually opt for publishing a series of short blogs that are easy reading, yet inspiring. For example the summer ABC series I published several years ago. Still very encouraging!

In the coming weeks I am planning to write about the wounded soul and healing. Where did I get that idea? Well, we have just returned from a visit to Ukraine where we have prayed with many people for deliverance, salvation and healing. And I discovered again that most of the physical pain has an emotional root.

How soul pain manifests, is different for everyone.  People can experience a lot of pain as a result of rejection, abandonment, feeling unseen, abuse, oppression, disappointment and discouragement and so on, and so on. All these things are like stabbing wounds in the soul that fester and infect and come to the surface, sometimes years later, in physical problems for which doctors cannot find a cause and thus no proper cure.

During our ministry time in Ukraine, we have again experienced how the Holy Spirit can point out precisely such issues (which we have hidden deep down inside) so that healing, restoration and deliverance becomes possible. I want to devote a few blogs on this particular topic.

I sincerely hope you will read along, comment and/or share with friends.


  1. Marja: Your future topic is one that I will look forward to reading. Yes, physical pain does sometime have an emotional root. We all need to realize that.

    1. Thanks Cecelia for stopping by, there is a lot of pain in this world, but we have an excellent and loving Healer!

  2. What a necessary series for our times, Marja. I look forward to reading it! Thanks for being there,

  3. Hi Tracy, thanks for stopping by!


Thanks for your visit, it is my hope and prayer that this post was an encouragement to you! Feel free to leave a comment.