Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fresh insights, also in 2014

At the beginning of yet another new year I have taken a critical look at my blog title: fresh insights on ancient truths. Is that name still accurate and in line with the posts I publish?

I have noticed that over the years this blog has received a fair share of active readers, thankful readers, critical readers and, no doubt, some secret readers. Among them are evangelical, orthodox, catholic and charismatic believers, Muslims, agnostics and atheists. Yes, I do have the most beautiful and diverse group of readers a writer/blogger could wish for.

In 2014 it is still my desire to offer a fresh look on themes and subjects that have gathered some dust throughout the years. Things that might be religious, but not biblical. Or things that are biblical, but that we have always looked at through religious glasses. I hope you want to open the Bible with me, read it AND do it. I would like to keep it that simple and, since most of you are busy, I promise to keep the posts short!

I am very grateful for all your comments, whether on this blog, by email, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. It is the comments of readers that give true value to a blog.


  1. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Keeping the posts short ... that is what I need to work on. 500 words or less is what I just read a blog post should be. Mine are about 650. Oh well. Have a great blogging year.

    1. LOL I'm right there with you, Warren. It's hard for me to shove a lot of content into so few words. :D

    2. Oh well Warren, you can write your post any way you want :) but sometimes, when my posts are getting too long, I make it into a series, that helps and keeps it readable!

  2. Marja, I apologize for not commenting as often as I'd like. Forgive me. This year, one of my goals is to attempt to comment more. I've always enjoyed your posts. You've been a special e-friend for quite some time. And I appreciate you! xoxox

    1. No need to apologize Lynn, no need at all... I haven't been too faithful with comments myself :) I read many posts, but sometimes the comment moderation keeps me from sending a note.

    2. I too am a 'secret' reader of a number of Blogs. Funny about the ' no comment' discussion. Recently I read a blog about the silent code.... ' just leave a few words to acknowledge your presence'. I must say a comment positive or not, does give me a boost to know someone thinks 'something' about what I have shared.
      Marja, I enjoy reading your blogs and wil continue to read them- looking forward to renewed visions on the topics you have on offer. Blessings on your works!

    3. Anita, thanks for reading along. I really appreciate your support and encouragement. As bloggers we just LOVE to read comments, but I understand that sometimes readers read in silence, or just share on social media... without adding their words or thoughts. Well, we must find balance, right?!

  3. Marja, you are a blessing and inspiration. Carry on. I know for me, I sometimes read on my phone so don't comment when I do that. I try to make time to sit and read with a focus on sharing a comment on the days I can, based on time constraints. I agree with Lynn in that I appreciate you!

    1. Hhmm, yes, reading on the phone. I don't even have a phone, so when I read blogs I am at my laptop... no excuse really ;)
      Anyway, thanks for your thoughts and kind words. I visit your blog often, if only to hear the ocean!

  4. Thank you for continuing to share your fresh insights, Marja. Short posts that are meaningful are great! I will try to do better about commenting. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog!

    1. Thanks Connie, keeping 'm short, yet meaningful... that's my goal.

  5. Hi Marja! Sounds like you have some big plans for the year! I hope to be right with you all through 2014. What fun!
    I'm back from blog-break, and I have a new blog-home. Remember when you told me you couldn't 'join' my blog? Turns out the GFC gadget was broken (along with some other ones)! I repeatedly reported the problem to no avail. So...I am now at Please come on by and join me there by email. I'd love it!
    Blessings to you,

    1. Hi Ceil, I will certainly check out your new blog address. I kept trying to sign up and then I gave up. Glad you're back!


Thanks for your visit, it is my hope and prayer that this post was an encouragement to you! Feel free to leave a comment.