An enjoyable life in freedom
Galatians 5:1 says:
Freedom is what we have, Christ has set us free. Many people think the Bible is just a
bunch of rules that will limit our freedom. Do this, don't do that. Who wants rules for living, we can live any way we want, can't we? Living without rules is not freedom, it is anarchy and it will lead to chaos and destruction. Living without rules is a false kind of freedom, because it will lead into slavery.
Let me tell you something about football, or soccer as we call it. Rules or guidelines are there to keep the game going. Without any rules the players wouldn't know what to do, or what not to do. The game would turn into chaos; no fun to play and certainly no fun to watch! I lived most of my life in Holland, which means growing up with football. That is what we call the game where two teams kick a round ball with their feet and try to score. I know most of the rules and when watching the world cup series for example I get really excited. Coming to America my husband and I tried to watch a couple of games of American football, just to get accustomed with that part of American culture. Believe me, not knowing any of the rules, the whole game just does not make sense. All we can see is heaps of people falling over each other just in time to be stopped by the whistle whenever they get hold of the ball. It seems they never get to where they want to be. In the mean time we can hear and see the crowds screaming and hollering, so we know something good is going on. We just do not know how to interpret the movements. Looking at the excitement of the crowd we know a game of American football is definitely different when you know the rules. Knowing the rules, whether playing or watching, keeps the game going. The rules make the game!
I am using this analogy to make a simple point: rules are needed to play a fair and exciting game. God's rules are needed to be able to live
a fair and exciting life together with the 6 billion other people on this earth! The rules won't determine the outcome of the game, but they'll make it a lot more enjoyable. Obeying God's rules won't bring us the victory, which is
eternal life, (only faith and grace can do that) but it will assure us
better life on earth! The freedom the Bible talks about is
freedom from sin, from guilt, from sickness, from fear and worries!