Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Relationship Check-up

'Respectfully Yours' offers in dept analysis
The first chapter of the newest book in this series, Respectfully Yours, starts with a powerful word from the bible; to get your mind working!

For through the living and eternal word of God you have been born again as children of a parent who is immortal, not mortal.
You can find this in 1 Peter 1:23. It sets the stage for a study about family relations, not just natural ones, but spiritual ones as well. We are children of a heavenly Father as well as an earthly father and throughout this book we will look at our attitude towards both of them. We will take a closer look at family relations in general, as we know them and as God sees them. It turns out He wants to open up our family circle! Once we will be able to shift our thinking about those topics, we will experience freedom in our attitude towards God and other people. I believe it is time to get excited about discovering God's path that will honestly lead us into well-being and a long life. You will find out what His plan for the New Testament generation is: freedom in fulfillment!
This book will definitely help you to get on track. To help the reader even further each chapter ends with some questions and thoughts to meditate on. For example:

# Which relationship do I want to change/improve in my life?
# Would I call myself a child of God? Why or why not?
# What do the words 'overall well-being' mean to me? Do I experience that?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mutual Respect

A Major Issue To God
Hope I didn't scare away the fast food junkies with a book like Respectfully Yours. I know, I know, the 7-steps to happiness and success books are popular, but that is just not what this is all about. No processed food, no prepared dish. You actually have to do some work to get the best result; so let's start cooking!
In Respectfully Yours we will take a look at the mutual respect between parents and children. You may think: that is not the guideline I need to better my life. How would it be possible to change the things around me and eventually the world into a better place by respecting my parents or being kind to my children? It seems such a minor act of influence compared to all the wickedness I experience around me. Well, maybe it is a minor issue to us, but it is a major one to God, that is why he put it on His special list: the Ten Commandments.
If you think the Commandments are outdated, think again. If Jesus said I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true (Matthew 5:17), how in the world could we do away with them! That would be contradicting His statement. Jesus made the teachings come true. As followers of Christ we need to do the same. Every time we act in love, we make the teachings come true, because love is the fulfillment of the Law (Romans 13:10).

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

No Spiritual Fast Food

Respectfully Yours needs to be chewed on
The newest book in this series deals with the way God looks at family relations. If you are expecting 10 quick ways to respect people who hurt you, you bought the wrong book. If you are expecting earth-shaking methods to build up self respect, wrong book again. This book does not contain an instant remedy for all our problems. It certainly does not fit in our microwave society; it contains no spiritual fast food. I am simply asking you to think about God's guidelines for improving our relationship with Him, our parents and our children. I am talking biblical guidelines here and they need to be chewed on. I promise you the nourishment is awesome, it will build you up. it will change your life and it will bring you a great blessing as well: so that all may go well with you, and you may live a long time in the land.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

2nd Book in Series Launched

Nationwide Release Respectfully Yours
The official nationwide release date for the 2nd book in the Ten Commandments Series is set for January 16th 2007. They call this a nationwide release, but as a matter of fact it is a worldwide availability, thanks to the internet! Respectfully Yours (Revealing God's truth about Well-being and a Long Life) will be available at bookstores nationwide and through all major internet booksellers and can be ordered at as well. Tate will be sending out press releases and establish marketing contacts. In the meantime I am trying to organize some book signings to get the sales started.
I believe Respectfully Yours is a powerful, powerful tool in the (re)building of a bible based and family oriented society. Every page is loaded with truth that will surely touch your heart. If you haven't already done so, please order a copy today for yourself, a friend or family member. By the way, this is a great book for small group studies!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Our Motto for 2007

Focus on Victory, One Day at the Time
The bible teaches us about the victory we have in Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 15:57). This coming year we would like to focus on that winners position we have, one day at the time, so as to never forget it! It is so easy to become overwhelmed in our world today. Overwhelmed with fearfull thoughts of terror and disasters, sickness, discouragement, failed relationships, financial stress or difficult work situations. How can we avoid the trap of negative thinking? In 1 John 5:4 we can read the following,

We win the victory over the world by means of our faith.
Now, that is good news! Our faith is the key to victory!
Maybe you say, well, Marja, my faith is way too small to face the problems of this world. I don't see how that can be of any help. Listen, the disciples thought so too. They asked Jesus, 'please, increase our faith.' A logical request, it seems, most people will ask that same question at some point in life. But Jesus doesn't think it necessary to give them more faith. He explains that if they had faith as big as a mustard seed they could perform miracles. In essence He is saying, whatever faith you have, use it! This is such an important principle throughout the entire bible. Use the faith you have, plant it as a seed and it will grow! Not by asking Jesus, but by using it! In James 2:22 (easy to remember) faith is explained using Abraham as an example,

His faith and his actions worked together, his faith was made perfect through his actions.
Yes, our faith will be made perfect through our actions and our faith will give us victory over the world. We believe 2007 is going to be a very special and exiting year. The Hebrew number seven (sheva) means fullness, completion. 2007 will not only be a year of completion, it will be a year of victory too, if we all do what we are called to do!
What are your plans for this year?