Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Finding the knowledge of God

Treasure Hunt
Already at a young age I developed a love for the Book of Proverbs. I just loved the practical lessons in that book. I was 17 when I left for college and my best friend and me exchanged handwritten notes (yes, this was in the 80-s) with verses from the Book of Proverbs, to meditate on during the week.

Proverbs opens up with a few chapters on the benefits of wisdom. I should write Wisdom, with a capital W, because every verse points to Jesus Christ, who is the power of God and the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24).
The second chapter in the Book of Proverbs opens up with a call to interaction between God and mankind. It always helps me to create a mental picture of the relationship between God and mankind, and I do so by looking at the natural relationship between parents and children.

Let's say your child lies on the couch all day and never asks you for anything, just waits for whatever you drop in his or her lap. That would worry you, right? Isn't it sign of an open and healthy relationship if your child asks you: 'mom, can I go outside, can I play with so and so, is it okay if I sleep over at my friend's place? Dad, why do I need to be home so early? How come my older sister has more privileges?' Even if the answer is already known, asking and searching for answers and boundaries builds a strong relationship. I believe it works the same way with God and man. He enjoys our curiosity and hunger to learn more about Him.
Chapter 2:1-5 is a great example of our action and God's response:
  • If you accept my words,
  • and store up my commands within you,
  • turning your ear to wisdom
  • and applying your heart to understanding.
  • And if you call out for insight,
  • and cry aloud for understanding,
  • and if you look for it as for silver
  • and search for it as for hidden treasure
THEN you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

It is not enough to just accept God's Word, we must store it within us and remember it. We must do more than just listen to His Word, we must apply it. We are urged to call out, to cry out for understanding and insight. ASK & SEEK!! God's reward will be awesome, we will find the knowledge of God. Verse 6 goes on to say: For the Lord gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

May I inspire you to actively go on that treasure hunt?


  1. Beautiful post, Marja! I love the way you tied seeking for Wisdom (Christ) with the parent/child relationship. Your statement,"Even if the answer is already known, asking and searching for answers and boundaries builds a strong relationship. I believe it works the same way with God and man." is so true and really got me thinking! Thanks for spurring us on to diligently seek the treasures that are available to us in God's Word!

    Thanks for your comment over @ Life Lessons. It's so difficult for me to narrow it down to just one or two favorite verse(s). These ARE great verses! Praise the Lord for His unconditional love for us! Have a blessed day! :)

  2. Thank you Maria for your kind words, it seems we both have found another interesting blog to read. I am glad we can inspire each other :)

  3. A treasure hunt sounds like a wonderful idea! What a great way to view the pearls that lie within its pages. I love the book of Proverbs and read it often.

    Love the photo with this post!
    P.S. The link to the article on my blog should have shown up within the text of that first paragraph. If you can't locate it, let me know and I will send you the link. Thanks, as always, for coming by:)

  4. I found the link Karen, I must have missed it the first time I read your post!. Awesome article, thanks again!

  5. What a wonderful devotion Marja! You really painted a picture of that kid lounging on the couch. He desires a relationship with us.. it's almost too much to comprehend. Abiding together.

    Blessings to you.

  6. I started reading one chapter of Proverbs a day as you suggested once, Marja, many months ago.
    I confess I don't always read to the end of each chapter for I have noticed the writer always goes off to talk about prostitutes and the like. Not really my cup of tea!
    Should I go to confessiona/

  7. Thanks Lorrie and Wyn, for your feed back, that always helps! Confession is always good Wyn, it brings healing! I think the writer of Proverbs adresses a timeless issue when it comes to adultery and prostitution, not really my cup of tea either, but I can see why we still need to hear this!


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