Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Talent & the Kingdom (6)

So far we have learned a lot from Jesus's words regarding the parable of the talents:

  • The advancing of the Kingdom is an assignment for the believers
  • Jesus will ask us what we have done with the talents he gave us
  • Building God's Kingdom is not an option!
  • God is still the owner of our talents, we are the stewards
  • Everyone has received at least one talent from God

Let's go back to His words, one more time. Matthew 25:14-15 says, Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. What struck me the most in this scripture is the part where it says 'each according to his ability'. That shows the love and care and precision of our heavenly Father. We will receive just what we can handle, something that fits our personality. That means our talent is unique for the building of Gods Kingdom.

We are able to do something in a way, no one else can. Of course, there are many people with a writing talent. Personally I know hundreds of people who do a much better job than I do. My writing talent in itself is not so special. But... my writing talent in combination with my character, background, humor, and knowledge is very special! The way I see things, perceive things, process things in my mind and the way I add a  personal touch to a story... THAT makes my talent unique.

So it is with your talent. Maybe nothing special in itself... But, in combination with your unique personality, experiences and background it becomes a unique tool for God. He desires to use everything and everyone to spread His Word and Truth around the globe; whether we use a pen, brush, screwdriver, or crochet hook!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Talent & the Kingdom (5)

Let's continue to look at the parable of the talents and the Kingdom. We have learned some interesting things so far. The Bible speaks about money or property being entrusted to the servants or workers. Basically this is about something we can work with, to build His Kingdom. Something we have received from the Lord: money, talents, opportunities...

Matthew 25:14-15 says: Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. It is the man who hands out the talents. A talent is not something we can earn or buy or go to school for. It is a gift from God and it is our assignment to receive it and use it. The question we should ask ourselves therefore is not 'Do I have talent?', but 'What is my talent?'

A talent is an inborn ability, something the Creator put in us while we were still in our mother's womb (see my book Breath of Life, for more on this subject). It is something that:

  • we can do fairly easily
  • we enjoy doing, and
  • that gives us satisfaction

Of course a talent needs to be stimulated, developed and perfected. We can do that by using it! Did I start my writing career writing books? No, not really. I practiced the art of writing in short stories, essays, poetry, articles, columns, press releases etc. etc. Someone once said that talent is 10% gifting and 90% hard work. I think that comes very close to the truth. God gives us our talent(s) as a seed, we need to water it...

TIP: It is very important that, next to our job, family and social life, we make room for our talent. That is the first choice we must make. Turn off the television one evening a week, for starters, or go into another room and ask God to show you WHAT He has put inside of you and HOW He wants you to use it for His glory... that is: to change the world around you.
I am very curious!

Monday, September 17, 2012

This is what I want to learn...

Take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry
[James 1:19]

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Talent & the Kingdom (4)

It is fun to write this series on Talent & the Kingdom in a period that I have two new books published, one in the USA and one in Holland. My Neigbor's House is the fifth book in a series about the Ten Commandments in the 21st century and deals with the last commandment: do not covet... It will be available later this year and I can only pray and hope this book will be a tremendous help in your spiritual journey.

In the previous posts we have seen that building or advancing God's Kingdom is not optional, it is an assignment, a calling we receive from the King. Let's go back to Matthew 25:14-15: Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. The next thing we can learn from this introduction to the parable of the talents is that the man entrusted his property (talents, money) to his servants. He entrusts the property to them, which means he is still the owner! His servants are the stewards.

Jesus is still the owner of whatever He has entrusted us with. Whether that is money, talents or opportunities. However, we are called to do something with it, so as to reach other people, who can reach other people... yes, you got it. It doesn't matter which field your talent is in. Let's say you bake the best apple pies in town. Why not organize a coffee morning once a month or so for women in your street? Women you may never meet in any church. Ask your kids to make flyers and start inviting people. You do not have to preach or teach, this is about building relationships. The deeper conversations will come before you know it... especially after everyone has enjoyed your scrumptious apple pie!

This is only a very simple example of using (managing) the very thing God has given you. He is still the owner and entrusts us with basic assignments. It is His desire that we will go into the world with what we have and with what we can do. Let's not make this too difficult :) He trusts us to go for it.

4) God is still the owner of our talents, we are the stewards!