Our friend Brian Slater, who works for Chosen People Ministries in Israel, has started a weblog, finally!!
We met Brian a few years ago at Jubilee church in Camarillo, it was during the Feast of Tabernacles and Brian presented a very moving slideshow of his ministry work in Israel. Our hearts were really touched by his testimony and report of the work among the 'least of these' in Israel: the homeless, the drugs- and alcohol addicts, the widows and orphans, the elderly and even groups of Holocaust survivors. We started supporting his work and visited him several times in Israel. Brian's motto can be found in the words of Yeshua in Matthew 25:40
I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.
Brian manages several soupkitchens in Israel, a free medical clinic, a food and clothing distribution center and he is also involved in a recently opened bible-based drugs- and alcohol rehab center. Helping the poor and homeless is a Christian duty and calling, but when we do it in Israel we will be blessed because we bless Israel!
Brian finally started a weblog where you can read more about the work and ministry in Israel. This is truly an awesome hands-on ministry and many miracles are happening in Israel because of this faithful work! Brian is always looking for volunteers, so if you've always wanted to visit Israel, consider giving him a helping hand. Be a blessing and be blessed!
If you feel led to donate, please go to Chosen People Ministries and follow the instructions, make sure to mention that your gift is for Brian Slater in Israel!!