Friday, May 22, 2009

Order Breath of Life on-line

A book is a treasure
Personally I enjoy ordering books through the internet, although browsing the racks at Barnes & Noble is a soothing experience too! But sometimes it can just be very convenient to order your books on-line. To read more about my latest book Breath of Life, click on the following link: Amazon
By clicking on the cover you can open the book and actually take a peak inside and read a little, just enough to get curious! This is an awesome feature Amazon added to make your shopping even more fun! Go ahead, and start reading chapter one today!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Breath of Life book reading on Youtube

Is there life before conception?
It is possible now to listen to the very first pages of Breath of Life! Yeah, find out what this story is all about. Go to the following link and listen/watch while I am reading from my latest book. Like it? Feel free to pass it on or link it to your own page. Thanks!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bumper sticker

What's your message to the world?
Soon after our arrival in Holland last April we started our weekly small group gatherings again. It is absolutely awesome to come together with believers and non-believers to meditate on the subjects of my books, to think about God and to discuss the Bible. Currently we are reading and studying my latest book Breath of Life. This week we discussed chapter three and came up with some interesting assignments that I would like to share on this weblog. We were all inspired by Sorek's story. He's still in the womb and yet, he knows he has a purpose and a destiny! That is so powerful!
See if you can come up with something original!
1. What is your message to the world? (short)
2. What would you say if you had one minute on international television, knowing that the whole world would be watching? (shorter)
3. Design your own bumper sticker! (shortest)

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Vision Tour

Jesus Christ is the total cure for the total person
We just came back from a vision tour (we rode 2500 mi on our BMW R1100 GS motorcycle) to Slovenia organized by Teen Challenge Southern California and a European conference in Prague where representatives from Teen Challenge centers from all over Europe came together. It was very inspiring, to say the least. Wow, to see and hear what God is doing worldwide through these rehabilitation centers is just awesome. Together we are working to make people who struggle with life controlling issues mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well and spiritually alive!
Maybe you know of someone who struggles with drugs, alcohol or porn addiction. Please, don't hesitate to check out Teen Challenge and contact them. They will receive people from all ages, not just teenagers.
For a full report on our tour, please send me an e-mail.