We can discuss and debate the Ten Commandments all we want, but as long as we don't look at them the way Jesus did, they will never make sense. Sacred Sabbath is not about the Law, it is all about the fulfillment! I don't see how the attitude of a believer could differ from the attitude of his Master. Jesus came to fulfill the Law, we can do so too! Well, you might say, that is not true, because we are not Jesus and we are not without sin.
Being a Christian simply means being Christ-like. Jesus is the example of a Christian life. Simply imitating Jesus without accepting His grace would lead us nowhere. Trying to obey His teachings without accepting the forgiveness of our sins would only lead to frustration. The Bible speaks very clearly about the position we have in Christ, for example in Acts 15:11
We believe and are saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus.We need His grace! With our sinful nature we could never, ever even come close to fulfilling the Law the way Jesus did. That is why Jesus shared our sin in order that we could share in His righteousness. Our sinful nature has been taken care of when Jesus died on the cross. We have absolutely NO excuse not to follow in His footsteps. There is a powerful scripture about that concept in 2 Corinthians 5:21
Christ was without sin, but for our sake God made Him share our sin in order that in union with Him we might share the righteousness of God.Wow! This all happened for our sake! Once we have accepted God's grace and forgiveness, it turns out to be an honor to fulfill the Law in love, the way Jesus did.