The bible teaches us about the victory we have in Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 15:57). This coming year we would like to focus on that winners position we have, one day at the time, so as to never forget it! It is so easy to become overwhelmed in our world today. Overwhelmed with fearfull thoughts of terror and disasters, sickness, discouragement, failed relationships, financial stress or difficult work situations. How can we avoid the trap of negative thinking? In 1 John 5:4 we can read the following,
We win the victory over the world by means of our faith.
Now, that is good news! Our faith is the key to victory!
Maybe you say, well, Marja, my faith is way too small to face the problems of this world. I don't see how that can be of any help. Listen, the disciples thought so too. They asked Jesus, 'please, increase our faith.' A logical request, it seems, most people will ask that same question at some point in life. But Jesus doesn't think it necessary to give them more faith. He explains that if they had faith as big as a mustard seed they could perform miracles. In essence He is saying, whatever faith you have, use it! This is such an important principle throughout the entire bible. Use the faith you have, plant it as a seed and it will grow! Not by asking Jesus, but by using it! In James 2:22 (easy to remember) faith is explained using Abraham as an example,
His faith and his actions worked together, his faith was made perfect through his actions.
Yes, our faith will be made perfect through our actions and our faith will give us victory over the world. We believe 2007 is going to be a very special and exiting year. The Hebrew number seven (sheva) means fullness, completion. 2007 will not only be a year of completion, it will be a year of victory too, if we all do what we are called to do!
What are your plans for this year?
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